This particular color scheme is the example of the custom colors we did for ABC’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. The interior decorator provided us with colors of the bedroom and we painted the coin ride to match.
Gold Carousel
The classic carousel in coin-operated style. This kiddy ride comes complete with carousel music that we all remember. You can have this coin-operated ride custom painted in any colors.
Animal Carousel
Horses aren’t the only animals that fit on a carousel. We have several different combinations of animals to go on a coin carousel.
Pony Carousel
This carousel is a natural for any fun center, retail store front, or family entertainment center.
Luxury Carousel
This is our show piece carousel. With intricate airbrushing and spectacular details. This carousel ride amazes both the young and old alike.oun
Special Project
Fun little nautical project where we were asked to do the same style of boat with two different paint schemes.
We could paint this coin-operated ride battleship gray as pictured, or we could paint it as the Yellow submarine…whichever!
Whether you’re a fan of Flipper or the Miami Dolphins, this coin-operated ride is the ticket to swimming fun. One customer bought his dolphin-loving wife this ride for her birthday. Certainly a kiddie ride would be hard gift to top!
Thunder Boat
This ride skims the top of the water as it takes its young rider on a thrill ride at an entertainment center or in front of a ocean side store.
Killer Whale
Is it Shamu? Or Willy from the movie Free Willy? Whatever the case, future marine biologists will get a kick out of riding this mechanical, coin-op Orca ride.